By Accident, the logo explained

Eva Sifis

By-Accident-final-logo-light-horizontal - SMALL 1 150 DPI

There was a need for the logo to reflect the journey bringing ‘By Accident’ in to being. I wanted it to launch a line of enquiry.

Following is a description of the logo.


Our message begins with a smooth swoop originating in the centre of a relaxed spiral – this signifies the time when our lives carried on in much the same manner, smoothly, with a measure of predictability.

The swoop graduates to the formation of the word ‘By’. Clad in dark brown, it’s very colour hints at a strong foundation of dependability.

‘By’ then leads in to – ‘Accident’, connected yet now wearing a shade of active orange. This shows that the incident of the injury has eventuated in a different shade of the person you were before.

After the injury, life turns into a rollercoaster of constant change and unfamiliar experiences. Highs and Lows become interchangeable.

You see a design looking somewhat like a butterfly placed at the beginning of the first swoop. It reappears at the last upward swing of the rollercoaster.

This is all-important for its presence at the start of the journey and also in the continuation shows you are still the same person essentially.